Bonding – Wie das Tragen die Eltern-Kind-Beziehung stärkt

Bonding – How babywearing strengthens the parent-child bond

You've probably come across the term "bonding" when preparing for your pregnancy or birth. But what exactly is behind it and how exactly does bonding actually work? In this entry we explain the background to bonding and show why carrying can help to strengthen the relationship between you and your baby.

The Bonding Process: That's what it's all about

Bonding means "binding". What is meant by this is above all the development of an intensive emotional relationship between baby and parents - ideally, this bond will last a lifetime.


The first bond with each other begins during pregnancy, because baby and mom feel each other. This is where the first interactions such as stroking the baby's belly and communication by speaking to the baby already occur. Your baby will feel safe and secure in the warm tummy. Your baby also instinctively seeks the security it experienced in the womb after birth, because from now on it experiences a number of new impressions every day, which it first has to classify. It is dependent on its parents, who give it the security of survival. A strong bond can help to process the new situations and experiences and to deal with them well. The resulting basic trust also shapes your baby in future encounters and relationships and helps to better perceive the needs of the other person.

When it comes to bonding, people often talk about the first moments and hours after birth, when the baby is laid against the mother's bare skin and breast. This is a sensitive phase, because you and your baby get to know each other physically for the first time after exciting and exhausting birth hours. By laying the baby on, you can feel the direct skin contact and warmth on each other - your baby can smell you, feel you and arrive safe in the world.

However, bonding is not just this event or a specific moment after birth, but rather a process in the first years of your baby's life, in which you can build an intensive relationship with each other. If, for example, it is not possible to attach the baby to the mother's breast immediately after birth, e.g. in the case of a caesarean section or medical complications, another close reference person, such as the other parent, can give the baby the necessary physical closeness. The relationship between mom and baby can be built up and intensified through touch and affection, especially in the coming months after the birth. In this case, take the time to get to know each other in peace, to enjoy closeness and intimate hours together.

Time for two – experience closeness through carrying

Talking, cuddling, contact, attention - bonding is all about spending time together and giving your baby security, security and love. Wearing it has a positive effect on bonding behavior and is wonderfully suited to strengthening the relationship.

By carrying you give your baby the intimate physical closeness it is looking for. It allows them to see, smell and feel you. You too can feel the movements, the heartbeat and the warmth of your baby on your body when you carry it, and can therefore easily perceive changes and respond to needs. This is how you give your baby attention – it builds trust. Physical contact when carrying the baby releases the hormone “oxytocin” – also known as the cuddle hormone. Among other things, it ensures feelings of happiness and the reduction of stress and is also released at birth, for example.

Even as a newborn, a baby can snuggle up and snuggle up in a Mama Nuka sling. Protected from external stimuli and under the care of mum or dad, the sling or bay stretcher is a safe place.

In addition to carrying, you can give your baby closeness and affection and thus contribute to the bonding process by:

  • Cuddle
  • Speak
  • eye contacts
  • Bathing and massages
  • Breastfeeding or otherwise loving feeding

Why bonding is so important for life

A strong relationship between parent and child brings with it a lot of positive things for both of them.

The child experiences the following advantages in the further years of life and in dealing with other people:

  • More peaceful sleep
  • Promotion of social development, for example in dealing with other people
  • promotion of independence
  • interest in the environment
  • Understanding and adapting to the environment

But not only for babies themselves, but also for parents, the bond has some benefits

  • Recognizing and responding to your child's needs
  • Less difficulty breastfeeding
  • Safe handling of the child

Carrying it in a sling or in a stretcher can specifically support the bond between you.

Are you still undecided whether a baby carrier is actually right for you? We have summarized other good reasons why babywearing can be just the right thing for you and your baby here .

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