Why carrying your baby?
We have been asked this question many times throughout the Mama Nuka period. Because there is no easy or at least no single answer to this question, we have summarized some interesting information here.
Humans are natural carriers
Human babies are physiologically premature and depend on the closeness and security of caregivers. The term "carrying" was coined by the biologist Bernhard Hassenstein (1970). He used it to refer to evolutionary behavioral characteristics of human babies. These include the grasping reflex, legs that are automatically drawn in when being lifted, the so-called spread-squat position (ASH), and the automatic clinging reflex.
Parent-child bond
During the entire pregnancy, babies get used to their safe environment. Characterized by warmth, closeness and familiar noises. Carrying in a sling creates this form of closeness and security. Our babies can see, smell and feel us and develop trust. Carrying also promotes an important process for parents, because in the sling we carry our babies directly to our hearts. Our happiness hormone oxytocin is released - the bond between parent and child is strengthened.
Sling vs. Baby Carrier
The advantage of a baby sling is that your baby can be carried in it from the very beginning. You can use the sling to vary between different carrying techniques; you can carry your baby in front of your stomach, on your back or on your hip. A hand-woven sling adapts perfectly to your baby's body without stretching out and can therefore be used for the entire carrying period.
Freedom of movement
Carrying your baby in a sling gives you flexibility. You have both hands free and are so close to your baby that you can give it a sense of security and communicate its needs as quickly as possible. Whether indoors or outdoors - a sling is a great help in everyday life. It is easy to pack, gives you mobility and frees you from daily barriers to movement when you are out and about.
Carrying keeps you fit
Carrying your baby can strengthen your back. The advantage is that your muscles slowly strengthen as your baby grows. You can also do sports in a sling. There are even special postnatal sports programs designed for mother and baby.
Spinal development
Carrying your baby also has ergonomic advantages. In the womb, your baby had a similar position to the one it had in the first few months in the sling: the back rounded and the legs slightly drawn up. In technical terms, the legs are referred to as the spread-squat position (SSP). SSP promotes healthy hip development in your baby - the correct way of tying is of course particularly important for this. Your baby's spine also only stretches in the first few years of life. The sling helps to adapt to the spine and provide stability without the sling becoming sagging.
Safety for your baby
The sling should always be tied tightly enough to support your baby's neck and head. To ensure that the baby gets enough air, you should always make sure that your baby does not collapse. The face should not be covered with fabric. It is also advisable to make sure that the baby's chin and chest do not touch so that your baby gets enough air.
Find your length
If parents of different heights and clothing sizes want to carry a baby, it helps to think about whether the length is right for both. Important criteria for the length of your wrap are the child's height, clothing size, but also the desired tying technique and the age of the child. The standard size for a wrap is 4.60m. The length of the wrap is very individual. A babywearing consultation can help here, and you can of course also ask us for recommendations!
Recommended clothing
Parents are often unsure whether the baby is dressed too warmly or too cold. In a sling, you can quickly check the neck to see whether your baby's body temperature is right. Carrying your baby in a sling also has advantages: on cold days, your baby is warmed by your body heat. On warm days, your sweat protects your baby from overheating.

Discover our babywearing support
To ensure that your baby sits in the correct position in the sling, it is important to choose the right tying technique. We recommend that you speak to a babywearing consultant. During a consultation, you will learn how to best tie your baby, try out different slings (lengths) and ask individual questions. It is important for you and your baby that you feel safe when carrying them.